Wednesday, June 24, 2015

IntShoWriMo 2015 Prompts: Day 24

1. The smell of roasting meat wafted out of the restaurant as he dug through the dumpster in the back. — Writing.Com

2. It’s the last day of school and you’re clearing out your locker when your best friend runs up to you out of breath. “You have to come with me right now,” your friend says. “It’s a matter of life and death.” So you rush with your friend to the cafeteria, only to find several of your classmates have been turned into zombies. What they don’t know is that, you are secretly a superhero who kills zombies. Write this scene. — WritersDigest.Com

3. Write a story about a writer who, because of his choice of genre, is accused by neighbors of triggering several paranormal activities in the area. — Akpan

4. Gold is one of the most valuable metal on this planet. People have been unearthing it, stashing it, and fighting over it for centuries. Today, write a story about a character who creates a large amount of imitation gold so convincing it passes for real gold. What circumstances compelled him to produce this form of counterfeit currency? What will he do with his “fool's gold?” — Poets&Writers

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