1. It’s a package deal? What
if I just want the package without the deal, or the deal without the package? — Writing.Com
2. You start dating a person
you met at your local grocery store. The date is going well—you’ve taken the
person to your favorite restaurant (in which you both ordered the same unusual
meal) and, it turns out, you both grew up in the same small town. The problem
is, when you go for a walk along the coastline at the end of the date, she
reveals something about her past that shocks you. (Good? Bad? You decide.) — WritersDigest.Com
3. Write a story about a
world where people actually get plugged into a writer’s mind to read his story, thereby sharing the
writer’s original experience while creating the story. — Akpan
4. So many great films have
been released over the past year, many of which have been adapted for the
screen from works of fiction and creative nonfiction. Today, think of a movie
you love that isn’t based on a book and try to write a short story version of
it. Examine the types of shots used, the lighting, how scenes are staged, and
try to translate these visuals into the structure of your story. — Poets&Writers
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