Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Note on the IntShoWriMo 2015 Theme

"There Are Other Worlds Than These"

I'd like to officially unveil the theme for this year's challenge.

The 2015 theme has a scifi-fantasy feel but be assured, there's no conspiracy going on here. It's not a plot to twist anyone's arm and force their pens on genre(s) totally out of their league.

The phrase “There Are Other Worlds Than These,” (which is a quote made by Stephen King in magnum opus, The Dark Tower) should turn our minds to one of the most basic axis on which fiction rotates and that is 'our Earth is only one of a million Earths existing in a parallel line.

As you set yourself up to pen 30 stories in the month of June, look at every one of those stories as a foray into parallel universes; into places different yet similar in queer ways, to ‘our’ own Earth. And while you're at it, do try to make the settings, characters and plot believable.

Because you really do believe, “There Are Other Worlds Than These.”

Keep your pens bleeding.


IntShoWriMo 2015 Badges Are Up

Official IntShoWriMo Badge

You are free to use any of the two latter badges on your blog/site

Welcome to yet another celebration of the short story genre. The month of June is upon us and besides anything it might mean to different folks around the World Wide Web for us it can only spell one thing: IntShoWriMo.

We got a brand new logo and customized badge for this year's run of the challenge and both are up for grabs to anyone participating.

One mighty good thing about IntShoWriMo is that you ain't obliged to paste your stuff online just get the stories down any way you can. The event is surefire way to keep your story writing gears oiled and a fine excuse to stock up your fiction writing arsenal. You never know when one of those stories will literally save your life.

All my input this year are going to be scanned and pasted. I'm hoping for 2,000 words a day and I don't want to get stuck typing through all those words. I intend to post mine to maintain a sense of activity on this blog and to reassure newbies participating for the first time of an unseen presence (or partner) in their private place.

Keep your pens bleeding.
