Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 23 Prompts

IntShoWriMo 2014 Daily Prompts

Day 23 Prompts:

In David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, mother Avril Incandenza is remarkably devoted to her houseplants, so much so that she calls them her "green babies." Does one of your characters have a green thumb? Or does she dislike being responsible for houseplants? Think about what this might reveal in terms of the character's personality. What drives someone to take something meant to live outside and bring it inside? Is it a desire to cultivate beauty in her life, or does she prefer a more controlled environment to the wilds of nature?—P&W

Write a story or poem about a broken promise. —WDC

If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be?—CWP

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